Important information about our massages
MAGYAR szövegért kérem lapozzon lejjebb a fehér szövegre..
- The treatments are completed by a Thai masseur.
Our salon alllows you relax in full comfort and feel the original Thai experience. We also provide a shower possibility for increase your comfort and feelings.
During your stay, you will get slippers, a shower robe, towels and some clothes suitible for the massage. You can listen to relax, Thai music and we provide mood lighting as well as fine oils.
We will make you feel like you are in Thailand by our furnitures. We provide you with balms to painful areas.
A kezeléseket THAI masszőrök végzik.
Szalonunk lehetővé teszi, hogy teljes kényelemben ellazuljon
és érezze az eredeti Thai élményt.
Az Ön kényelme érdekében zuhanyozási lehetőséget is biztosítunk.
Itt tartózkodása alatt papucsot, tiszta köpenyt és törölközőt adunk.
Az eredeti száraz Thai masszázshoz az arra alkalmas, bő alsó és felső ruházatot kap az Ön kényelme érdekében.
Hallgathat a masszázs alatt Thai autentikus zenét vagy relaxációs zenét.
A masszázs ideje alatt kellemes hangulatvilágítást kapcsolunk.
A fájó testrészekre gyógyító balzsamokat használunk a finom olajokkal keverve.
A szalont Ázsiai és főleg Thai stílusban rendeztük be, hogy Ön úgy érezhesse magát, mintha Thaiföldön lenne.
Nyitvatartási idő:
Keddtől Péntekig: 10:00-22:00
Szombaton és Vasárnap:
Hétfőn szünnap
The origins of Thai massage
It is known as Nuad Phaen Boran in Thailand. The technique is actually from India, the creator of it being Shivago Kumar Bej, one of Buddha’s friends. It came to Thailand at te same time as Buddhism, in the 3rd-4th century BC. They kept the knowledge in monasteries, and were used mainly by monks. It later became a part of folk medicine. Most of the written recordings were destroyed by the Burmese invaders. What remained was collected by Rama the 3rd in 1832 and was carved into the wall of Wat Po. Nowadays the massages are done by Thai citizens with state masseur diploma.
About traditional Thai massage
The traditional thai massage consists of stretching and kneading, partly stretching, pulling and twisting. We don’t use oil in this case. These techniques activate the energy in your body. The massage is on the floor on comfortable matresses to make sure the masseur can use their whole bodyweight. The massage is in a calm harmonic environment. As a result, we not only get rid of tensions, we feel light and liberated; we also feel like we were reborn.
About Thai foot massage
Authentic Thai foot massage is also very popular in Thailand.
It is one of the most welcoming and healthiest treatments in Thai massage, which has a beneficial effect on the whole body. It is indeed a very pleasant feeling to sit in a comfortable armchair with our eyes closed during this massage. Thai foot massage is a special blend of reflexology and foot massage. In a fast-paced, stressful Western world, it’s a real specialty. As part of this, our guest sits in a comfortable reclining armchair, resting his feet on a footrest, while our masseur sits on a small stool, treating the sole, foot and leg. In the end, our guest receives a small neck and shoulder massage before we set off.
About Thai head-neck-shoulder massage
Treatment for head, neck and shoulders. This massage is the best way to relax your stiff body caused by stressful lifestyle, frequent sedentary work and poor posture. The massage also effectively relieves stiffness of the neck and lumbar muscles, and strengthens the blood supply by pressing special points of the back. Combined with a pleasant head massage, it is easy to treat fatigue and headaches.
During the massage the body and soul are refreshed.
It is a special mix of Thai and Western massage technique. The massage stimulates bloodflow. In this case you have complete control over the masseur so you can tell her to go harder or softer on different spots. Some people like a soft, light oil massage while others may like a hard, rough massage. The goal is the same, we strive that you leave almost reborn and become our recurring guest